Monday 9 November 2015

Leather Love

Hello again! I know I haven't posted in a while and to be honest it's because I didn't really know where to take my blog after the first post, it was on such a specific topic that I feel really strongly about that I then began to consider basing my blog completely on petite fashion. I'm still unsure but have decided to keep posting and all suggestions welcome.

Anyways, I can't believe it's November! This year has literally flown by, I'm not ready for Christmas yet. But I am ready to dive into my winter wardrobe, eeeek. October was so up and down weather wise none that of us could fully commit to our furs and knits, as soon as it hit November 1st I realised I don't own nearly enough clothes to compete with Ireland's crappy (for want of a better word) weather.

When it comes to shopping I'm a bargain hunter, I spend hours lusting over clothes that I can't afford and then some more hours scanning the internet for more affordable dupes.
                                              ZARA - £35.99                            TOPSHOP BOUTIQUE - £295

Every winter wardrobe should include a leather jacket and it goes without saying if you invest in a good one it will last you years like the Biker above from Topshop boutique, priced at £295. But when I look at that price tag thoughts of all the £20 tee's and £50 dresses I could spend that money on instead come to mind and I just can't justify paying it (I sound like my mum). So instead I went in search for a more affordable alternative, that is when I came across this almost identical Zara dupe and fell in love! It's 8 times cheaper than the Topshop jacket at only 35.99 but the catch is that it is from Zara kids range, though I can honestly say it's quite big fitting. I'm usually a size 6 and I bought the age 11-12, so I'd say the age 13-14 would fit a size 8/small 10 easily.

You can shop the Topshop Boutique jacket here and the Zara dupe here.

Style with this oversized tee and leather leggings for stylish but casual winter look.

Joanna X

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